Qsysopr Break Handling Program Management

File handling program

Jump to:• • • • • • • • • • Sponsored Links Next• 1. HI, is there a bulk load utility for the iSERIES? If you needed to load 100,000,000 records into a file, what is the best way to do that quickly if the records were all inserts. If they were insert/update? Hello, I've written a socket program in RPG. Most of the time, it is in state SELW (socket select()). I wrote and registered an exit handler, which is executed whenever the call stack entry is terminated - like so: 0274. Ngv installer klang valley malaysia software programs. 00 D goExitHandler S * PROCPTR INZ(%PADDR(ExitHandler)).

0304.00 * Register exit handler 0305.00 C CALLB 'CEERTX' 0306.00 C PARM goExitHandler 0307.00 C PARM *OMIT 0308.00 C PARM *OMIT This works fine for SysReq 2 and ENDJOB *IMMED and I can do housekeeping like closing sockets, streamfiles, whatever. I would also like to be notified, whenever someone issues ENDJOB *CNTRLD. I studied the ILE RPG Programming manual (condition handlers and so forth), but I didn't get any further. So my basic question is: How can I register a procedure that gets called on ENDJOB *CNTRLD? Thanks in advance for any hints and suggestions. Best regards, Klaus • 3.


An example of a break-handling program is to have the program send a message, which is normally sent to the QSYSOPR queue, to another queue in place of or in addition to QSYSOPR. The following is an example of a user-defined program (again with only one procedure) to handle break messages. This break-handling program manages incoming messages according to the kind of message that's received.

Okay, I am about brain dead and would appreciate some help if anyone cares to give it. I have a program that I need to create a field that is as such: '/folder/CCYYMMDD/jobnbr_SPLFID_SPLNO_USRDTA.pdf' CCYYMMDD is the present date. JOBNBR can be extracted from JOBNAM (26 characters) SPLFID is a 10-byte input field SPLNO is a binary numeric field and USRDTA is a 10-byte input field. I want to code an 'eval' in the rpg program that will create this field, i.e. Trim blanks if any at the end of the SPLFID and USRDTA, and adds the '/' and 'underlines'. Is this possible? Does anyone have some examples of constructing a field something like this that they would be willing to post/share and I could perhaps plagiarize for my own use????

I would appreciate any help a ton. Ga [email protected] • 4.

Hi, I am currently on V5R2 & we use SNDDST command to email messages from the iSeries. We changed our email domain before I started with the company, but for some reason the iSeries will only successfully send messages to email addresses with the old domain info. [email protected] works [email protected] doesn't work Any suggestions on how to get the email to work to the new domain? Thanks, Sherri.

Similar Threads: 1. Hi All, Is it possible to have a break-handler program allocated to QSYSOPR when the system is in restricted state (i.e. Like specify a parameter specifing this when issuing CHGMSGQ when allocating the break-handler program)? Thanks in advance.

Hi All, I have a break-handler program on the QSYSOPR message queue. Everything works exactly as advertised except that the operators are complaining that they can not interact with the QSYSOPR from the green-screen 5250 using DSPMSG. Stated differently, when I issue the CHGMSGQ command to associated the break-handler program with the QSYSOPR message queue, CHGMSGQ obtains an exclusive lock on the message queue. The break-handler program does not manipulate or remove the messages, it only reads from the queue.

Is it possible to have a break-handler program that does not obtain an exclusive lock? Here is the CHGMSGQ command: CHGMSGQ MSGQ(QSYSOPR) DLVRY(*BREAK) PGM(LIB/PGM *ALWRPY) SEV(10) Thanks in advance, Tony 3. I've got a Full System backup that runs once a month and in that backup one of the first steps is that is sends a user message (SNDUSRMSG) to QSYSOPR that is picked up and sent along to our operations staff to let them know the backup is starting. The problem is when that is executed, the message (type *INFO) breaks to the screen and the job goes into a DSPW and stops processing. The QSYSOPR message queue is set to *HOLD so I would not expect this to happen. Can anyone shed some light on how to keep this from happening? Thanks, iSeriesDude.

Is there a way to run endsbs *all *immed from a remote location? I want to take the system down in restricted state from remote location and run RCLSTG for example. I have VPN passthrough to my machine so that part is already solved. It is just that when I try to make the above command it seems that I am not allowed to do that unless I stand at work by the conlose. I have tried to transfer my job to the sbs where the console runs but that didn't help.

Also tried to log on as qsecofr but that didn't help either. Hope you understand what I mean. Anybody that can help me? Thanks in advance. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you all!